Resources For Our Changing Times

    • The Chancellor’s Office has a page of facts, guidance and resources for CCCs
    • The ACCJC has a page of information and updates related to interruptions of study due to COVID-19: The following is an excerpt from their Guidance for Interruptions of Study due to COVID-19 document:
        1. “For the purpose of Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA), distance learning does not require the use of sophisticated learning management systems or online platforms, although accreditors may have additional standards included in their review of distance learning programs; however, accreditors may waive those standards for schools implementing distance learning programs solely for the purpose of allowing currently enrolled students to complete a term interrupted by COVID-19 closures. To meet the Department’s requirements for providing distance education, an institution must communicate to students through one of several types of technology – including email or by telephone – described under 34 CFR § 600.2, and instructors must initiate substantive communication with students, either individually or collectively, on a regular basis. In other words, an instructor may use email to provide instructional materials to students enrolled in the instructor’s class, use chat features to communicate with students, set up conference calls to facilitate group conversations, engage in email exchanges, or require students to submit work electronically that the instructor will evaluate.”
    • DEETAC has a Draft version of the updated DE Guidelines available for reference. You can also find a copy in the Vision Resource Center’s Distance Education Coordinators community.
    • Some important excerpts from title 5 regulations regarding the ongoing delivery of courses that include some portion of distance education (note that these regulations were updated on February 15, 2019):

a. 55204. Instructor Contact:District governing boards shall ensure that: (a) Any portion of a course conducted through distance education includes regular effective contact between instructor and students, and among students, either synchronously or asynchronously, through group or individual meetings, orientation and review sessions, supplemental seminar or study sessions, field trips, library workshops, telephone contact, voice mail, e-mail, or other activities. Regular effective contact is an academic and professional matter pursuant to sections 53200 et seq.

b. 55206. Separate Course Approval:If any portion of the instruction in a new or existing course is to be provided through distance education, an addendum to the official course outline of record shall be required. In addition to addressing how course outcomes will be achieved in a distance education mode, the addendum shall at a minimum specify how the portion of instruction delivered via distance education meets: (a) Regular and effective contact between instructors and students and among students as referenced in title 5, section 55204(a), and (b) Requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. § 12100 et seq.) and section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, (29 U.S.C. § 749d). The addendum shall be separately approved according to the district’s adopted curriculum approval procedures

c. 55208. Faculty Selection and Workload

(a) Instructors of course sections delivered via distance education technology shall be selected by the same procedures used to determine all instructional assignments. Instructors shall possess the minimum qualifications for the discipline into which the course’s subject matter most appropriately falls, in accordance with article 2 (commencing with section 53410) of subchapter 4 of chapter 4, and with the list of discipline definitions and requirements adopted by the Board of Governors to implement that article, as such list may be amended from time to time.

(b) Instructors of distance education shall be prepared to teach in a distance education delivery method consistent with local district policies and negotiated agreements.

(c) The number of students assigned to any one course section offered by distance education shall be determined by and be consistent with other district procedures related to faculty assignment. Procedures for determining the number of students assigned to a course section offered in whole or in part by distance education may include a review by the curriculum committee established pursuant to section 55002(a)(1).

(d) Nothing in this section shall be construed to impinge upon or detract from any negotiations or negotiated agreements between exclusive representatives and district governing boards.

  • The CVC-OEI continues to offer updated resources, including

a. A calendar of workshops and events

b. An open Canvas shell with shared resources

c. On demand webinar recordings

d. Instructions on how to access centrally-funded support services

  • The Vision Resource Center is being used by the Chancellor’s Office for current information, resources, links, etc., and there is a Distance Education Community