Printable CCCDECO Bylaws

Approval Date: 6/29/2022
Previous Updates: 6/15/2016, 6/19/2017, 6/17/2018, 06/17/2020
Original Approval: 9/26/2014 

ARTICLE I: Name and Purpose

Section 1. Name

The name of this corporation shall be California Community College Distance Education Coordinators Organization (CCC DECO).

Section 2. Purpose

CCC DECO is a non-profit corporation and shall operate exclusively for educational and charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c}(3} of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future Federal tax code.

The focus of CCC DECO is to promote online student success and quality distance education programs within the California Community College system.

Through collaboration and centralized resource sharing, we will seek to provide support and professional development for the faculty and DE support staff of the California Community Colleges. We will also work to develop and promote distance education policies and practices to the State legislature, Chancellor’s office, and local districts and colleges.

ARTICLE II: Membership and Dues

Section 1. Membership and Dues

Each person paying for registration for the annual DECO retreat will receive an individual CCC DECO membership for the following academic year. 

Institutional membership for up to five (5) designated distance education faculty, staff, or administrators will be available to purchase via the CCC DECO website from July 1 through December 31. 

Membership benefits include the ability to participate in activities and forums sponsored by CCC DECO throughout the year as well as voting privileges at the annual DECO retreat. 

Early registration for the annual DECO retreat is done through registration for the Online Teaching Conference. The annual DECO retreat registration fee will establish the attendee as a member of CCC DECO for the following year that begins July 1. 

Membership in CCC DECO will run from July 1 to June 30. 

ARTICLE III: Schedule and Quorum for Meetings

Section 1. Schedule

CCC DECO shall have one general meeting per year at the CCC DECO Annual Retreat. The executive committee will have ten meetings per year, September through June.

Section 2. Quorum

A quorum for meetings constitutes one-third of the membership.

Section 3. Conduct of Meetings

Meetings of the Executive Committee and the general meeting shall be presided over by the President of CCC DECO, or, in their absence, another member of the Executive Committee shall preside in the following order: Vice President/President-Elect, Immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, or Public Information Officer. The Secretary of CCC DECO shall act as secretary of all meetings of the Executive Committee and the general meeting, provided that in his or her absence, the presiding officer shall appoint another person to serve as Secretary of the meeting.

ARTICLE IV: Officers

Section 1. Terms of Office

The Vice President/President-Elect shall be elected for a one-year term, followed by a second year as President and a third year as Immediate Past President. The Secretary, Treasurer, Public Information Officer, and Web Designer shall be elected for two-year terms. 

Section 2. Vacancies in Offices

Should a vacancy occur in the office of President, the Vice President/President-Elect shall fill the vacancy. A vacancy in the office of Immediate Past President shall not be filled. A vacancy in the office of Secretary, Treasurer, Public Information Officer, or Web Designer shall be filled by an appointment by the Executive Committee until the next election occurs. A special election shall be conducted to fill a vacancy in the office of Vice President/President-Elect within 30 days of the notification of vacancy unless the vacancy occurs less than 90 days before the date of the DECO annual retreat, in which case the election shall be held during the annual retreat. 

Should a vacancy occur in both the offices of President and Vice President/President-Elect, a special election shall be conducted to fill both vacancies within 30 days of the notification of vacancy unless the vacancy occurs less than 90 days before the date of the DECO annual retreat, in which case the election shall be held during the annual retreat.

Section 3. President

The President shall convene and preside at regularly scheduled meetings; work collaboratively with officers to lead transformation of DECO from ideas to reality; provide leadership  and model effective and efficient decision-making, cultivate a transparent and collegial working relationship with CCCCO; attend (or send alternate to) meetings and advocate for DECO at CCCCO, BOG, and other forums to promote and amplify the interests of the DECO membership); in conjunction with officers, foster a positive working relationship with college leadership teams to encourage membership.

Section 4. Vice President/President-Elect

The Vice President/President-Elect shall articulate vision/mission for CCC DECO; support the President’s efforts to grow membership; be prepared to step in for the President as necessary; monitor organization’s delivery of services; and work on particular special areas as determined by President and officers.

Section 5. Immediate Past President

At the request of the Executive Committee, the Immediate Past President shall advise and support the President and Vice President/President-Elect.

Section 6. Secretary

The Secretary shall compile record of all meetings; post summary notes on the public website or send to all members (depending on rules); answer requests for information re if/when an action took place; maintain membership information. In conjunction with Public Information Officer, the Secretary shall respond to requests for written information; originate communication agreed upon by executive committee; keep record of all correspondence; assist with keeping membership information updated.

Section 7. Treasurer

The Treasurer shall advise on financial structure needed to: (a) payback initial investment funds, and (b) maintain operating funds; advise on opportunities to build membership through financial incentives, e.g., reduced conference rates; work with Secretary to keep membership information updated along with the status of dues. He or she will also maintain the organization’s bank account and correspond with members regarding fees and renewals. In addition, the Treasurer will file and maintain the necessary organizational tax documents related to the organization’s nonprofit status. The treasurer shall recommend to the executive committee the use of an appropriate consultant when needed in order to ensure the maintenance of the organization’s nonprofit status.

Section 8. Public Information Officer

The Public Information Officer shall, in conjunction with officers, generate press releases and official statements to identified outlets on a regular basis; monitor news feeds for information relevant to DECO and communicate to officers and, as appropriate, membership; develop relationships with appropriate colleagues to stay abreast of items that affect DECO, while they are still in planning stages or immediately. The PIO, in collaboration with the other Executive Committee members, will also coordinate and moderate the monthly DE Coordinators online meetings.

Section 9. Web Designer

The Web Designer shall, in conjunction with the officers, maintain the organization’s official website with current information regarding officers, events, resources, and membership. The Web Designer shall, in conjunction with the Public Information Officer, work to create an up-to-date web presence for the organization, including posting marketing materials and links to resources found on other relevant sites.

ARTICLE V: Nominations and Elections

Section 1. Nominations

Members may nominate themselves or other members for Officer positions to be filled by election. Members of the Executive Committee shall contact each nominee to verify their acceptance of the nomination and their understanding of the duties and time commitment associated with the office for which they were nominated. 

Section 2. Multiple Offices

No person may hold more than one Officer position simultaneously. An Officer may be nominated for a different Officer position but must give up their current Officer position upon accepting the nomination. 

Section 3. Eligibility for Re-election

All Officers are eligible for re-election. No term limits are set. 

Section 4. Election Process

Elections shall be conducted either during the annual DECO retreat, or online within 30 days of the typical date of the annual DECO retreat if it is not possible to hold an election during the retreat. A special election shall be conducted when necessary to fill a vacancy in the Vice President/President-Elect position as described in Article IV, Section 2. The Executive Committee shall determine how an election is to be conducted. A plurality of the votes cast shall be sufficient for election. Executive Committee members shall not cast a vote in elections, except in the event of an election that results in a tie, in which case the President shall cast the tie-breaking vote.  

Section 5. Transition of Office

The time of transition for newly elected members to assume their Officer positions, and for the Vice President/President-Elect and President to assume their new positions as President and Immediate Past President, respectively, is at the end of the annual DECO retreat or as soon as possible following an election held online.

ARTICLE VI: Committees 

Section 1. Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is comprised of the President, Vice President/President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Public Information Officer, and Web Designer. The Immediate Past President shall be invited to serve on the Executive Committee. Each Executive Committee member shall serve as liaison to at least one Standing Committee. The Executive Committee shall have the authority to act in lieu of the CCCDECO between meetings. When the Executive Committee makes decisions on behalf of the membership, they must be reported to the membership at its next regularly scheduled meeting.

The Executive Committee will convene ad-hoc sub-committees as needed.

ARTICLE VII: Amendment to the Bylaws

Section 1. Initiation

Proposed amendments or revision to the Bylaws may be initiated by the Executive Committee, standing, special, or ad hoc committees appointed for the purpose of recommending or proposing amendments to the Bylaws, or by petition of ten percent (10%) of the membership.

Section 2. Amendment or Revision

An amendment or revision to these Bylaws shall be ratified by two-thirds (2/3) of the total votes cast by the membership and be effective immediately thereafter.

ARTICLE VIII: Dissolution

Section 1. Dissolution

In the event of the dissolution of CCCDECO, the laws governing incorporated societies in the state of California will be followed. Upon legal counsel at that time, the Executive Committee will adopt a plan for the dissolution of CCCDECO and distribution of all funds and property and rights thereto of the association.